Thursday, October 1, 2009

11 Universal laws

Hi Everyone,

While doing my daily research on how to be a better person and how to achieve your success, i came across a very interesting website, which i really think is terrific. What i am about to post please i beg of you too take it to heart, its really true and the end result of living your life based on what i am going to post now will dramatically change your life and you will live a fullfilled and joyous life.

The 11 Forgotten Universal Laws

1) We all know of the law of attraction, this is one of my favourite laws and i live my life daily on this principe, the law of attraction states in brief that what you think about with emotion will be attracted to you, its based on the believes you have in you. Feel the need to do more research about this if you need a better understanding of this.

2) The Law of Thinking.
This law emphazises the power of our thinking, everything that was ever invented eg your house you car, this is all of a result of someones thinking. How can you use this is your life, easy. Use your thoughts to form clear pictures of everything you want to achieve in life and keep thinking about it but always with a positive attitude. Eg i will achieve all my goals, i can do it. Remember always think positive friends. Always!!

3) Law of Supply.
This means that there is more than enough for everyone on this planet, there is no lack, there is only lack in your mind by your limiting believes and inturn due to law of attraction: YOU GET WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT. so really careful of your thoughts. Think abundance, Think prosperity! The RICH know there is more than enough for everyone, but they also take advantage of majority of peoples thoughts on lack so therefore they create more for themselves.

4) Law of Receiving.
This law of receiving, very interesting i would say, This law states that you will only get what you want when you are ready to receive. This is so powerfull, really it is. I will give you advice to make you ready to receive that what which you are wanting. Firstly the very thing that you want, want it more for others, dont be greedy, dont curse anyone else, dont wish anyone badluck, allow them to get what they want and want that for them. By doing this you are putting yourself in a position to receive it. Let what you want GO just release it into the universe and have faith that what you want will be attracted to you, dont ever force it, just wait for it and believe that you have received it.

5) Law of Increase
This law states that you can always get better, you dont have to reach a plateua, you can always get better. You can increase what you have now, you can! i know it.

6) Law of Compensation
This means that you will get out of life what you put in. In my previous blog i mentioned that to get what you want there is always be a price you will have to pay to get what you want. You have to put in effort, Action has to go with your faith that you will receive. The more effort and the greater price you pay to get what you want, you will receive. Cause of the law of compensation, you have to get out what you put in. You can never get rich just relaxing on your couch all day. You have to put in effort to study, start a business. Effort is what you need to put in.

7) Law of Non-Resistance
Never give your thoughts to what you dont want, cause as you thinking of what you do not want, you send out powerful negative emotion to the universe and this in turns means that you will attract the very thing you are resisting. Dont give thought to whatever you dont want to experience in your life.

8) Law of Forgiveness
This is one of the most important laws to me. Never hold grudges against anyone, even your relatives and friends. Always strive to live peacefully with everyone you know, be humble my dear friends. Forgive the things in your past that is holding you back, cause when you dont forgive, you cause yourself and your body tremdous stress and unease and you truly never get to live that fulfilled life you always want. Anger for someone always causes a heavy burden on your heart. Its not human and natural to live that way. Forgive and you will see how your life begins to light up ;-). Always forgive. I really love this, so passionate about it. If you are always looking back at your past, YOU TURNING YOUR BACK ON THE FUTURE. Never do this, Life is great.

9) Law of Sacrifice
This goes hand in hand with the law of compensation, you have to put in an effort to get what you want and inorder to do this you have to sacrifice something else, see what i mean. But change your mindset on this law think of it as giving of yourself inorder to receive that which you want. Is it not worth the effort. People life mediocre lifes cause they dont want to put in any effort to get what they want.

10) Law of Obedience
Be discipline in your life, being discipline will help you achieve your goals, to be honest, without discipline how can you get any where with your life. Studying everyday requires discipline, gyming and eating right everyday requires discipline.The more you discipline yourself the greater the reward at the end of the day.

11) Law of Success
Apply all the previous laws that i just mentioned then the law of success has to materialise for you, it has to, its LAW. YOu can be a success no matter where you are in your life. Be the best my friends, apply these principles to your life, i cant stress enough of how important these laws are. APPLY YOURSELF.

All these laws work together and are inharmony with each other. Its about living a more spiritual life, its about being peaceful and Joyous. The real success is happiness my friends, if all you take from my blog is to be happy then i have achieved all i ever wanted too.

Thanks for coming on this journey of success with me.
Until later on have a great DAY!!;-)

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