Friday, October 23, 2009


If you were like me, this title probably sounds like gibberish to you, but its quite the opposite, it is the name of a technique that you could use to clean out your life.

I never really understood the extent before reading a book by Joe Vitale what "You are the creator of your whole life experience.". What this statement means 100% of what it says.

This is just an example. If a person has cancer and comes to you for counseling, because that person is now in your life experience you are also part of the reason that person has cancer. Got it, its crazy na, but its so true.

Ho’oponopono means taking 100% responsibilty for everything that shows up in your life experience, EVERYTHING.
And it suggests that your experience is created by memories that is held by your subconcious mind. These memories exist because of past experiences in your life and even before your life experience, YES you heard right, i said "before you life experience".

I know you are probably going to ask me now, how can you remove this memories in your subconcious that are creating the lack of abundance, health and wealth in your life right now.
1st step. You need to realise you need to accept and take responsibility for everything that happens in you life.
2nd step. If something comes into your reality that you do no like, ask yourself this question, what belief in me caused this outside manifestation.

The next step i am about to reveal is a method in which we can clear these memories from our subconcious.
If you can recognise your belief keep it in mind, and just say these words. "I am sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you". Just say those words all the time, these are powerful words that are meant to neutralise that memory inside of you. Say it all the time, meditate on those words. Another thing realise everything takes time, so if you do this everyday you will see manifestations in you life, you will.

This is enough for now, enough for you to process and belief.
I will be back on more of this "Ho’oponopono".

Till Next time my dear Friends,
MR RenaldoB(oss)

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