Monday, November 16, 2009

Never Give UP!!

Does it not seem like sometimes you can just give up on thing that you want, more money, that body you desire?

But somehow and sometimes, you just feel like giving up on everything.
Well i am hear to tell you that you should never give up, just believe that you can do it and it should be done. You might be so close to achieving your desires, so close, just have faith, act like it is here already.

Make time for yourself, make time to visualise your dreams everyday.
This will keep your motivation up, it will keep you determined, most importantly it will keep that vision alive inside of yourself, it will keep that fire burning.

So do yourself a favour, never give up my friends, never give up. Its sometimes the journey that makes life rewarding to us humans. Keep on keeping on.
I know i am, are you?????

Your Get your mind Right friend "Renaldo(BOSS)"

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What are you passionate about

Do you know that if you are more passionate about a certain topic, you will know more about that topic than others. Ofcourse you knew that, but know why dont you put that into practice.

In order for most people to become wealthy, is by doing something that they love and that they passionate about, the more passionate about it that you are the quicker you will bring it into your reality.

What you get out of life is based on what you act upon, remember that!
Keep coming back for more, there are lots of useful posts that will definately change your view for this world.

Before i go i want you to think about something!
Is there really a world outside of you or is it the projection of inside?
Think about it! Comment on it, meditate on it!

More information on this to come
MR RenaldoB

Friday, October 23, 2009

Hooponopono Revealed

# When I notice a problem. I ask MYSELF: “What is going on inside of ME that I have caused this problem? And how can I rectify this problem in ME?”
# My work is to clean myself. As I clean myself, the world gets clean, because I am the world. All outside of ME is a projection and illusion.
# It is my responsibility to fix everything I experience from the inside of ME by connecting to The Divine. I say “I love You” to The Divine to fix everything on the outside.
# I am cleaning MY memories.
# The pain inside of ME is a SHARED memory. Dr Hew Len knew that it was a program that caused the patients to act in the way they did. They had no control. They were caught up in a program. As I feel a problem, I clean.
# I am cleaning the old memories stored in MY Subconscious mind.
# The four statements I say over and over in MY mind, addressing the Divine to stop my mental chatter:

I love You
I’m sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
# I constantly clean on everything as I have no idea what is a memory, and what is an inspiration. I constantly clean to get to a place of Zero limits.
# Our minds only have a tiny view of the world.
# Our brain tells us what to do BEFORE we consciously decide to do it. This mean that intentions come from MY unconscious mind, THEN enter my conscious awareness.
# Extensive experiments have shown that a surge of activity in the brain reliably appears about 1/3 of a second BEFORE the intention.
# It is proven that I CANNOT control the origin of the signal that nudges ME to take action.
# “NO intention is ever hatched in consciousness”
# Intentions are premonitions: “They are icons that flash in the corner of consciousness to indicate what may be about to occur.”
# I have realized that intentions aren’t MY choice at all.
# Only 2 laws dictate MY experience: Inspiration from Divinity (new) and memories stored in the Subconscious (old).
# Zero is the residence of ME and Divinity. It is the place from where and from Whom all Blessings, wealth and peace flow.
# I am looking past inspiration and going to Source – Zero.
# I love and forgive and give thanks for MY concerns.
# By cleaning MY memories, The Divine has a chance to come through with inspiration.
# Money problems are simply memories replaying. These are memories that displace Zero (ME). To return to Zero, I require Divinity to erase the memories behind MY money concerns.
# Money concerns are a program.
# I am cleaning on the memory problems so that it disappears. I am returning to peace.
# Intention is a limp rag compared to inspiration.
# I give in to inspiration.
# Inspiration comes suddenly, within a few seconds.
# I receive ideas that come from inspiration.
# Rather than state intentions, I seize opportunities.
# When I come from the Zero State where there are Zero limits I don’t need intentions, I simply receive and act on inspirations, and miracles happen.
# Free will takes place AFTER I have the impulse to do something, BEFORE I actually do it.
# By CONSTANTLY cleaning all thoughts, whether inspiration or memory, I will be better able to choose what is right in the moment.
# Money problems are programs from MY memory, not inspiration from The Divine.
# I need to love MY memory programs, UNTIL they dissolve, and all that remains is Divinity.

# Everything I see and experience is inside ME.
# If I want to change anything, I do it INSIDE ME.
# I take 100% responsibility for MY whole life.
# Whenever I experience a problem, I am always there.
# I am responsible for it all.
# I understand that people are acting from a memory / program. To help them, I have to remove the program. And the only way to do that is by cleaning:

I love You
I’m sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
# I am making right.
# I am RELEASING the energy of these painful thoughts (memories) which cause imbalance.
# All problem solving is done WITHIN MYSELF.
# I am erasing MY memories and programs.
# Everything that appears in MY life is only a PROJECTION of my programs.
# All in alignment:

Subconscious (Child);
Conscious (Mother); and
Super-conscious (Father)
# All thoughts are imbued with painful memories.
# The intellect working alone cannot solve these problems, because the intellect only manages. I want to release all MY old memories.
# With Ho’oponopono, The Divinity TAKES the painful memories, neutralizes and erases them.
# I am NEUTRALIZING the energy I associate with people and things.
# Once the energy gets neutralized, the energy then gets released and there is a brand new state.
# I am allowing The Divinity to come in and fill the void with light.
# Whenever I notice a problem I clean.
# By asking for FORGIVENESS I clear the path for healing to manifest.
# What blocks well-being is a lack of love, FORGIVENESS opens the door to allow it back in.
# I am 100% responsible for everything in MY life.
# I need to be 100% responsible.
# If I want to solve a problem, I need to work on MYSELF.
# When someone irritates ME. I ask myself: “What is going on inside of ME that is causing this person to irritate ME?”
# I am SORRY for whatever is going on, please FORGIVE ME.
# If someone has a sore back. I ask myself: “What is going on inside of me that shows up as this person’s back pain?”
# I work on MYSELF.
# At heart, we are all Divine.
# Programs are CAUGHT, and I need to clean them.
# I am petitioning Love to rectify errors in ME by saying. “I AM SORRY. Please FORGIVE me for whatever is going on inside of me that has manifested as this problem.”
# Love’s responsibility is to then TRANSMUTE the errors within ME that manifest as the problem.
# Each problem is an opportunity to clean.
# Problems are JUST replayed memories of the past showing up to give me one more chance to see them from the eyes of Love, and to act from INSPIRATION.
# I am taking full responsibility for MY life.
# I have to take full responsibility for what people in MY life are experiencing.
# “I Love You” is the code that unlocks the healing.
# I use “I Love You” on ME. Everyone’s problems are MY problems.
# I need to heal ME.
# I am the source of all the experiences.

# I am acting from either memory (thinking) or inspiration (receiving).
# If memories are playing, I won’t hear the inspiration.
# Programs are like a BELIEF. My challenge is to CLEAR all the programs so that I am back at the Zero State, where inspiration can come through.
# All memories are SHARED.
# My job is to clean the memory, so that it will leave ME and the other person as well.
# Ho’oponopono takes commitment.
# The Divine is NOT an order taker.
# It takes CONSTANT focusing on cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.
# I am DISSOLVING the limiting programs that I see and feel.
# MY mind doesn’t have any idea of what is going on.
# There are only 15 bits of information available to MY conscious mind, while there are 15 million bits present at any one time.
# I must let go and TRUST.
# I am staying in THIS moment.
# When I say: “I Love You”, I am trying to clean anything in this moment.
# When I say: “I Love You”, I am EVOKING the spirit of Love to heal within ME what is creating or attracting my outer circumstances.
# I am HEALING within ME the HIDDEN program that we are BOTH participating in.
# I am aiming to achieve PEACE.
# There is NO out here. The ONLY place to look is inside ME.
# I do not plan; I TRUST Divinity.
# I love, acknowledge and appreciate EVERYTHING.
# I say: “I Love You”, to APPEAL to The Divine Creator to CANCEL the memories in MY subconscious mind to Zero, and to REPLACE them in MY soul and the souls of all with Divinity’s thoughts, words, deeds and actions.
# I am being 100% responsible.
# Divinity is TRANSFORMING the stuck energy.
# I clean myself and ask: “What’s going on in ME that this came up in them?”
# My conscious mind DOESN’T have a clue of what is going on!
# I am taking my mind BACK to Zero, with NO data on it.
# Ho’oponopono is a process of CONSTANT, INCESSANT Zeroing, so that I can be back at Zero.
# ONLY at Zero can creation (inspiration) take place.
# I ask MYSELF: “What is it that I have to clear that I don’t know? I have No idea of what is going on!”
# My mind can ONLY serve memory or inspiration. And only ONE at a time.
# Divine Inspiration is WITHIN ME.
# All of ME is in alignment:

Super-conscious (Father) – Amakua;
Conscious (Mother) – Uhane; and
Subconscious (Child) - Unihipili
# When I am at Zero, EVERYTHING is available.
# I am created in the IMAGE of The Divine: Void and Infinite.
# I am LETTING GO of MY memories.
# If I have a problem with someone else, it means that there is a MEMORY coming up that I am REACTING to. It is NOT the other person.
# I am asking this question of Divinity: “What is going on in ME, that I have caused this person’s pain?”
# Then I ask: “How can I RECTIFY this problem within ME?”
# I work on ME, NOT on other people.
# If an idea is still there after three cleanings. I ACT upon it.
# I don’t plan, I TRUST The Divine to take care of the problems (memories).
# If something is in MY experience I need to clean on it.
# ALL experiences are SHARED.
# I create EVERYTHING in MY reality.
# I attracted MY situation, and I am FORGIVING myself and the energy surrounding the problem.
# I am SHIFTING the energy inside of ME.
# I love MYSELF to love others.

# I am remembering who I TRULY am.
# MY true nature is to LOVE.
# New clients flock to ME.
# Success is flowing to ME easily.
# I am cleaning and clearing MYSELF.
# I am 100% responsible for ALL MY life.
# I am CONSTANTLY cleaning and clearing the memories from MY subconscious mind.
# I have CHANGED the way I approach life.
# I have had a SHIFT in MY body and mindset.
# I always try to see all the GOOD (not bad).
# I am focusing on positive aspects.
# I have CHANGED MY perception.
# I am CLEANING out the old to make room for the NEW.
# I am reaching the Zero State by taking 100% responsibility, APOLOGISING for anything going on in ME that I am not aware of, and asking for FORGIVENESS.
# I am EMPTYING MY mind and going BACK to Zero.
# The Universe works with CIRCLES.
# I am working in a CIRCULAR direction.
# I am LETTING GO, and going back to ZERO.
# I say “I am SORRY” because I feel responsible for what is going on in MY consciousness right now.
# I feel very connected.
# My life is about CONSTANT cleansing. When I cleanse I get back to Zero, and MY life runs smoothly.
# I am wiping MY slate clean.
# I clean so that MY nonsense (memories) are dispersed.
# Zero is HOME base.
# I keep MY cleaning work to myself.
# People only need MY Love to change.
# Ho’oponopono is a healing and FORGIVENESS methodology and philosophy.
# Read person’s name, get clarity and oneness. Express love for the other person:

“I ask for FORGIVENESS for any wrongdoing, consciously OR unconsciously from the past to the present of MYSELF and MY ancestors, to them and their predecessors, all they way back to the BEGINNING of time and micro-biotic life.”
# I say this so that we can all get back to our TRUE relationship IN and OF Divinity.
# I drink water BEFORE every meal and CLEAR clutter.
# Ho’oponopono has AWAKENED ME to HOW to ERASE the negative elements INSIDE MYSELF that manifest as problematic situations.
# By taking 100% RESPONSIBILITY, situations CAN shift.
# I am beginning to realize who I am.
# There will ALWAYS be stuff coming up. I say that I am 100% responsible (without guilt) and simply clean, let go, and let The Divine take over.
# I do not waste time with: How?, When?, Who? – I ONLY do! And by doing so, I get out of the way of MYSELF. I am letting go of the problems INSIDE MYSELF.
# I continue WITHOUT any judgment against MYSELF.
# I am ACHIEVING an array of results from my Ho’oponopono cleaning.
# I hold the errors of the world in MY SOUL (as does everyone).
# Reason / intellect causes: Madness, Confusion and Uncertainty.
# Memories are PROBLEMS.
# I am cleansing and erasing the memories in MY subconscious mind to FIND the Divinity WITHIN MYSELF.
# Everyone is ALREADY perfect, the PROBLEMS are the memories.
# The PROBLEM is the error memory playing in MY subconscious mind, which I SHARE with other people.
# Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono is a PROBLEM SOLVING PROCESS of REPENTENCE, FORGIVENESS and TRASMUTATION that anyone can apply to THEMSELVES. It is process of PETITIONING DIVINITY to convert error memories in our subconscious to Zero.

# The conscious mind is CLUELESS – it has NO idea of what is going on.
# So I APPEAL to DIVINITY (Who knows all) to convert whatever memories are playing in MY Unihipili (subconscious mind) to Zero.
# Expectations and intentions do NOT have any impact on Divinity. Divinity will do WHATEVER and WHENEVER in IT’S own time.
# To OPEN the way for the INFLOW of The Divine, requires FIRST canceling memories.
# As long as memories (blocks / limitations) are present in MY Subconscious, they BLOCK Divinity from giving ME MY daily Inspiration.
# As I clean I get CLOSER to experiencing the bliss of the Zero-Limits state of being.
# I ACT upon the ideas that come MY way.
# Ideas appear in MY mind, and I act upon them.
# It is MORE IMPORTANT to keep cleaning than anything else; - As I do, ideas are GIVEN to ME.
# Ceeport = Clean, Erase, Erase, while RETURNING back to Port, “The Zero-State”.
# Cleaning is the ONLY way to get QUICKER results.
# I am receiving GREATER wealth. – I am keeping my eye on “the baseball” (The Divinity). I must stay FOCUSED on going back to Zero – NO Memories and NO programs.
# ALL I’m here to do is clean.
# I LET GO and let Divinity do what’s best for ME.
# Intentions are LIMITATIONS. I am cleaning and LETTING GO of them.
# I’ll ALWAYS have problems, so I clean, clean, clean.
# What are problems?

Problems are memories REPLAYING;

* Memories are PROGRAMS;
* They’re NOT just mine – they are SHARED;
* The way to RELEASE the memory is to SEND LOVE to The Divinity.

# Divinity hears and responds in the way BEST for ALL, at the TIME Best for ALL.
# I choose but I DON’T decide.
# I Clean, Clean, Clean…
# I don’t try to sell; - ALL I DO IS CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN.
# ALL day I clean. I don’t intend anything and I have NO expectations.
# I am TOTALLY responsible for ALL MY life. It is all IN ME, NO exceptions!
# I need to clean on it, OR it DOESN’T get cleaned.
# IF its in MY experience, its up for ME to clean.
# When I CLEAR memories, what comes through is inspiration.
# I know that INNNER cleaning leads to OUTER results, and that I CAN’T decide what the OUTER results will be. I CAN choose, But I CAN’T decide.
# I’m just here to clean, so that The Divine can INSPIRE ME to DO what I was sent here to DO.
# I use the Eraser end of a pencil to help CLEAN. It is a PSYCHOLOGICAL TRIGGER to CLEAR memory.
# Dunk MY bank account in MY mind in a glass of WATER with FRUIT in it, and see what happens…
# People do things for THEM, ALL I have to do is clean.
# I have been REMINDED of the way HOME.
# MY TRUE SELF is: Incredible, Eternal, Limitless, Total, Complete, Empty, ZERO – FROM WHICH ALL PEACE EMINATES – “HOME”.
# Wherever there is a problem, I am there.
# I am EXHUMING my HIDDEN memories and judgments for CLEANING and TRANSFORMATION.
# Something in ME has CHANGED.
# MY memories need great PERSISTANCE and DILLIGENCE to HEAL.
# Healing HAS HAPPENED for ME.
# With the rubber side of a pencil Tap and Say: “Dew-Drop”

# I am DISSOLVING conflict.
# The PURPOSE of life is to be RESTORED BACK to LOVE, Moment by Moment.
# To FULFILL this purpose, I ACKNOWLEDGE that I am 100% RESPONSIBLE for CREATING MY life the way it IS.
# I have come to see that it is MY THOUGHTS that CREATE MY life the way it is, Moment to Moment.
# The problems are NOT: People, Places or Situations, BUT rather the THOUGHTS OF THEM.
# I have come to appreciate that there is NO out-there!
# The QUALITY of MY life has SHIFTED dramatically!
# I CONTINUESLY DO the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono Process of REPENTENCE, FORGIVENESS and TRANSMUTATION for WHATEVER is going on IN ME that I experience consciously OR un-consciously.
# I take 100% REPONSIBILITY for MYSELF to clean with the stuff in ME that CAUSED the problems that I experience.
# I am PERFECT! – What is imperfect is the memories (CRAP) that REACT and REPLAY as: Judgment, Resentment, Anger, Irritation and the Rest of the BAGGAGE that is carried in MY soul.
# People being open is a REFLECTION of ME!
# I am CHANGING MY INNER in order to change MY OUTER.
# I look WITHIN MYSELF so see what is WITHIN ME that is SHARING the experience that I see on the OUTSIDE.
# I DON’T deal with the person / problem, I deal with the FEELINGS I EXPERIENCE.
# AS I clean what is WITHIN ME, they will TOO get CLEAR and HEAL.
# I have begun to realize that I AM RESPONSIBLE for what EVERYONE says and does, simply because they are IN MY EXPERIENCE.
# IF I create my OWN reality, THEN I created ALL that I see, EVEN the parts that I DON’T like.
# It DOESN’T matter what people do; IT MATTERS WHAT I DO!
# I CLEAR the SHARED ENERGY by saying to The Divine:

* I love You
* I’m sorry
* Please forgive me
* Thank you

# I DON’T do the healing to get anything! – I do it to CLEAR THE SHARED ENERGY, so that no-one has to experience it EVER again.
# Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono is a CLEANSING PROCESS and I NEVER STOP doing it.
# IF something comes up in MY awareness, THEN its up for ME to CLEAN and HEAL.
# I have to clean EVERTHING that is part of MY life experience.
# IF I am the creator of MY OWN experience, then THIS is something I’m RESPONSIBLE for TOO.
# The Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono Process is ALL LOVE, it is CONTINUES and I am TOTTALY RESPONSIBLE.
# I say these statements to Divinity to clean ME:

* I love You
* I’m sorry
* Please forgive me
* Thank you

# The Divinity is ALREADY showering LOVE on ME at Zero; - But I’m not yet there.
# By saying:

* I love You
* I’m sorry
* Please forgive me
* Thank you

I am CLEANING the programs in ME that are PREVENTING ME from being at The Zero State.

# The Divine DOESN’T need ME to do Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono; I need to do it!
# The ONLY way to HEAL someone is by CLEANING ME. The people with problems in MY reality are SHARING a program with ME. They COUGHT it like a virus of the mind. THEY ARE NOT TO BLAME!
# ALL I can do is clean ME, because as I clean ME, THEY GET CLEAN.
# As I clean the programs we SHARE, they get LIFTED from ALL human kind.
# ALL I do is clean, clean, clean…
# CLEANING is the most heartfelt thing I can do, the REST is up to Divinity.
# I create EVERY situation that’s part of MY reality, and because its part of MY experience, I need to clean it.
# AS I HEAL MYSELF, the person with the problem and everyone who SHARES the program will get BETTER.
# I know that choice is a LIMITATION. I experience MAGIC and MIRACLES and I feel EXHILIRATED by life.
# I do NOT try to control MY life. I HAVE TO LET GO. ALL I do is CLEAN and ERASE and have the INTENTION to get BACK to Zero.
# I have a BOUNCE in MY step.
# EVERYTHING I create is a child of ME. – I MUST LOVE ALL MY “CHILDREN”.
# In the past I tried to solve problems, BUT today I LET THEM BE. I now clean the memories that CAUSED them.
# AS I clean, MY problems get RESOLVED.
# I DON’T try to change people, I work on MYSELF.
# BEACAUSE I sense and feel other people’s pain – means that I SHARE the SAME PROGRAM, and I have to clean it, and as I do, the problem will come OFF me and them TOO.
# These phrases are like the MAGIC WORDS that OPEN the combination lock of The Universe.

* I love You
* I’m sorry
* Please forgive me
* Thank you

# When I say these phrases, I am OPENING MYSELF UP to The Divine to CLEAN ME and ERASE ALL PROGRAMS (MEMORIES) that are PREVENTING ME from being ME NOW.
# There are memories (programs) in the world that people CATCH life a virus.
# When someone has it, and I notice it, it means that I have it TOO.
# The idea is to take 100% RESPONSIBILITY.
# When I clean MYSELF, I clean the memory (program) from EVERYONE.
# I have a lot of cleaning to do to get to Zero.
# ALL anyone of us wants is to be LOVED!
# Because I want to come from LOVE and INSPIRATION.
# IF I am CLEAR, when INSPIRATION COMES I just act, I DON’T have to think about it.
# When I clean MY memories I DON’T have choice, I JUST have INSPIRATION, and I ACT ON IT WITHOUT THINKING. IT JUST IS!
# Everyone has there OWN instrument to play. NO-ONE is the same.
# I need to play MY OWN part, and NOT anyone else’s.
# ALL I am doing is being MYSELF. – I am playing MY part in the Universe’s script.
# When I play MY role, the world WORKS!
# I have TOTAL FREE WILL. I am creating AS I am breathing, BUT to live at Zero, I need to LET GO of ALL memories.

# MY conscious mind will TRY to UNDERSTAND it all, BUT MY conscious mind is aware of ONLY 15 bits of information, while there are 15 million bits HAPPENING ALL the time.
# MY conscious mind DOESN’T have a clue of what’s really going on.
# Memories keep money AWAY. IF I am CLEAR about money I WILL have it.
# The Universe WILL give ME money IF I ACCEPT it. It is MY memories that keep money from ME, and ME from seeing it.
# When I am at Zero I have ZERO limits, and money can NOW come to ME…BUT…When I am in memory, I prevent it.
# There are MANY memories around money, and AS I clean them, I clean them for EVERYONE.
# When I bring MY cleaner self, the place where I am FEELS it.
# I GIVE money freely. – “It’s ONLY money”.
# The Universe REWARDS ME for my generosity. I GIVE and the Universe gives ME BACK INPIRATION.
# I get back INSPIRATION.
# As long as I stay OPEN to ideas from The Universe, they KEEP COMING.
# By cleaning and LETTING GO of MY needs, IDEAS come to me.
# ALL everybody wants is to be LOVED. I MUST love other people.
# I MUST love people because they are PART of MY life, and by loving THEM, I am HELPING erase, clean and clear the memories activated in THEIR life.
# Whatever I perceive as MY problem IS NOT the REAL ISSUE, it is JUST MY conscious INTERPRETATION of events. What is really happening is OUT of MY awareness. MY story is only the STARTING place.
# I just KEEP saying “I Love You” to The Divine, TRUSTING that whatever needs to be cleaned WILL be cleaned.
# When someone has a SPLIT name, it CREATES a SPLIT personality. Everyone needs to own their birth name.
# I am beginning to RELAX and feel WHOLE AGAIN.
# Therapists think they are there to HELP or SAVE people. But in reality, their job is to heal THEMSELVES of the programs (memories) they see in their patients.
# As these memories get CANCELLED in the therapist, they get CANCELLED in the patient.
# It is IMPORTANT that I love the people I am with.
# BECAUSE the people that I see are a MIRROR OF ME, and what they EXPERIENCE is SHARED by ME.
# By cleaning the SHARED program, we will BOTH get well.
# We think that we are conscious actors, BUT we are WRONG! In some respect we are PUTTETS with The Divine as the ENERGY in us PULLING our strings.
# I live in a BELIEF driven world. Whatever I believe WILL work. It will get ME through the day, and it will FRAME MY experiences into PERCEPTIONS that make SENSE to ME.
# Ho’oponopono and intentions ONLY work when I get OUT of MY OWN way.
# MY mind gets in the WAY of the NATURAL FLOW of things.
# A mind FULL of memories is the INTERFERENCE to EXPERIENCING the BLISS of this moment.
# I use clearing methods to take OUT the INTERFERENCE of The Divine Plan.
# MY NUDGES are SENT to ME from The Divine. MY anxiety over it is the interference.
# By TAKING AWAY the interference, I’m BACK to being ME with The Divine…i.e.… Puppet and Puppet Master AGAIN.
# I came to this world with a Gift WITHIN MYSELF. Once I have REMOVED the interference preventing ME from ACTING on MY GIFT, I will ACT on it.
# I will be the puppet of The Divine WHILE being the puppeteer of MY life.
# MY ONLY choice is to go WITH the flow.
# I TAKE action WHILE OBEYING a Higher Order.
# I ACT on ideas WITHOUT interference from MY mind.
# I LET the results be what they are, KNOWING and TRUSTING that it IS all part of The Universe’s BIGGER picture.
# EVERONE has their GIFT and part to play.

# I am NOT resisting MY role.
# It’s NOT food that is dangerous; it is what I THINK about it that is.
# BEFORE I eat anything, I say in MY MIND to the food: “I Love You”.
# The KEY for Dr Hew Len is LOVE EVERYTHING. When I love something, it CHANGES.
# Everything BEGINS with THOUGHT, and the great healer is LOVE.
# I am taking 100% RESPONSIBILITY for MY life and what I experience.
# I know that what I see in others is in ME.
# There is NOTHING OUT THERE, it is ALL in ME.
# Whatever I experience, I experience INSIDE MYSELF.
# I experience people in ME, so they DON’T exist UNLESS I look in MYSELF.
# Cleaning is the way HOME.
# NO-ONE can PREDICT their next thought, because thoughts themselves ARISE from the UNCONSCIOUS.
# I have NO control over MY thoughts, MY ONLY CHOICE is to act (or not) once they appear.
# I am cleaning MY unconscious SO I get BETTER thoughts.
# I am cleaning in order to CLEAR OUT the STOREHOUSE of programs in MY mind.
# As I clean, the thoughts that ARISE get MORE POSSITIVE, PREDICTIVE and LOVING.
# By TAKING 100% REPSONSIBILITY and getting to Zero, I REALISE that other people’s memories (programs) are MY programs.
# The very fact that people SHARE ideas with ME, means that I SHARE it with them.
# AS I get CLEAR of my programs, so will other people.
# I am ATTEMPTING to do NON-STOP cleaning and erasing of anything BETWEEN ME and Zero.
# I know that WHEN I come from Zero, SYNCRONISITY happens.
# By being at Zero, I ALLOW The Divine to INSPIRE ME.
# The Divine has ALL the POWER. – NOT ME.
# I clean so that I can hear the DIVINE and obey.
# NO self-help expert has a clue of what they are doing.
# Dr Len’s work has TAUGHT ME to LET GO and TRUST The Divine, while CONSTANTLY cleaning ALL thoughts that surface in the WAY of hearing The Divine.
# By CONSTANTLY cleaning, I can CLEAR the weeds of memory SO THAT I can better HANDLE life with EASE and GRACE.
# I know The Divine is NOT a concierge. I DON’T ask for things, I JUST clean.
# I KEEP cleaning.
# I am RESPONSIBLE for EVERYTHING in MY life, and the way to HEAL anything is with the simple:

* I love You
* I’m sorry
* Please forgive me
* Thank you

# I see MYSELF as the SOURCE of MY experiences.
# “I am SORRY for whatever is going on IN ME, that I experienced this.”
# Dr Hew Len’s THEME is that NOTHING is OUTSIDE of us.
# I am 100% responsible.
# I ask for FORGIVENESS for whatever is in ME that is CAUSING the outer circumstance.
# I am RECONNECTING to The Divine by saying:

* I love You
* I’m sorry
* Please forgive me
* Thank you

# The rest is to TRUST The Divine because AS I HEAL, so does the outer.

346. I know the REAL source of POWER is INSIRATION.
347. I am AGREEING to life, NOT contradicting it.
348. I am GOING WITH THE FLOW, while CONSTNTLY cleaning whatever comes up.
349. I am LETTING GO, and LETTING The Divine operate THROUGH ME.
350. By cleaning, I see a complete CHANGE for the BETTER.
351. I am cleaning MY own toxic thoughts and REPLACING them with LOVE.
352. There IS NOTHING wrong with people… The ONLY thing wrong are MY error memories.
354. The Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono Process involves taking 100% RESPONSIBILITY for MYSELF, and ALLOWING the REMOVAL of negative and unwanted energies in ME.
355. I am at ease and ENJOYING MYSELF.
356. I LAUGH A LOT, have FUN and ENJOY what I am doing.
357. Things have begun to SHIFT for ME.
359. I clean whatever is going on in ME.
360. I help people by working on MYSELF.
361. I CONTINUESLY clean, and TAKE ACTION on the IDEAS and OPPORTUNITIES that come MY way.
362. I know that wherever I will be in the FUTURE, will be FAR BETTER than what I can IMAGINE now.
363. I am MORE INTERESTED in THIS moment than the next one.
364. AS I pay attention to THIS moment, all the future ones unfold QUITE NICELY.
365. When I LET GO of MY ego and its desires, I ALLOW The Divine to GUIDE ME.
367. I know that when I SURRENDER control to a Higher Power, MIRACALES tend to happen.
368. I am beginning to LET GO and TRUST.
369. I am beginning to practice MY CONNECTION with The Divine.
370. I am learning to RECOGNISE INSPIRATION when it comes, and I ACT on it.
371. I realize that I have choice, BUT I am NOT in control of MY mind.
372. I know that the greatest thing I can do is AGREE to each moment.
373. In this stage, MIRRACLES HAPPEN, and as they do, they constantly ASTONISH me.
374. Once an AWAKENING takes place, there’s NO looking back.
375. ALL I can do is KEEP cleaning to EXPERIENCE the BLISS of THIS moment.
376. We will always have problems, and Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono is a Process that WORKS to SOLVE them.
377. As long as I keep cleaning, I RETURN to the place of Zero Limits.
378. I am tuning into LOVE by saying NON-STOP:
* I love You
* I’m sorry
* Please forgive me
* Thank you
379. AS I keep cleaning, I keep tuning into PURE INSPIRATION.
380. AS I ACT on inspiration, better MIRACLES than I could have ever imagined take place.
381. ALL I HAVE TO DO IS KEEP AT IT, as Ho’oponopono TAKES TIME.

Copyright © Saul Maraney - 2008. All Rights Reserved .

If you live by these principles you are bound to live a more happier and successful life and most importantly being connected to GOD

Hope this cleared up alot my friends
MR RenaldoB


If you were like me, this title probably sounds like gibberish to you, but its quite the opposite, it is the name of a technique that you could use to clean out your life.

I never really understood the extent before reading a book by Joe Vitale what "You are the creator of your whole life experience.". What this statement means 100% of what it says.

This is just an example. If a person has cancer and comes to you for counseling, because that person is now in your life experience you are also part of the reason that person has cancer. Got it, its crazy na, but its so true.

Ho’oponopono means taking 100% responsibilty for everything that shows up in your life experience, EVERYTHING.
And it suggests that your experience is created by memories that is held by your subconcious mind. These memories exist because of past experiences in your life and even before your life experience, YES you heard right, i said "before you life experience".

I know you are probably going to ask me now, how can you remove this memories in your subconcious that are creating the lack of abundance, health and wealth in your life right now.
1st step. You need to realise you need to accept and take responsibility for everything that happens in you life.
2nd step. If something comes into your reality that you do no like, ask yourself this question, what belief in me caused this outside manifestation.

The next step i am about to reveal is a method in which we can clear these memories from our subconcious.
If you can recognise your belief keep it in mind, and just say these words. "I am sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you". Just say those words all the time, these are powerful words that are meant to neutralise that memory inside of you. Say it all the time, meditate on those words. Another thing realise everything takes time, so if you do this everyday you will see manifestations in you life, you will.

This is enough for now, enough for you to process and belief.
I will be back on more of this "Ho’oponopono".

Till Next time my dear Friends,
MR RenaldoB(oss)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Law of Attraction Figured out

While reading more on the law of attraction about a minute ago,
i kinda just figured it all out, everything came together like !!!BAM!!!
WOW, if this is the way i think it is, then WOW, this is so easy and such a fun thing to do.

Let me explain to you what i just figured out now.

At first let the universe know of your request. e.g. I want a brand new BMW M3 2009 model convertable, silver. Got it, that part was easy right! right?

Now from here onwards, dont let the universe know what you want again, it already heard you the first time lol. Instead give thanks that you have already received that which you are wanting, give thanks, appreciation. And by doing so you are being in the receiving mode, you are allowing the universe to give you what you want. THATS IT!!!

This might be old news to you but to those that dont know, this is a revelation figured out by myself, you always seem to remember or understand things better when you figure it out by yourself.

Now with this piece of information i am going to have a great time this afternoon being in appreciation mode!! ;-)

Till later, MR RenaldB

Friday, October 16, 2009

Forgiveness can heal you

Is there people in your life that caused you pain and misery, do you still have that anger and hate against them? Last question, are you suffering from a life that is unfulfilled, your body is always in pain, you have more stress than you can handle, you are looking older than what you ought too?

If you know what i am talking about you would understand its cause of the unforgivess.
Forgive and forget they always say, if you care for yourself and your body, you would forgive and forget.
Keeping anger against anyone can kill you. It causes the cells in your body tremendous stress. Worse it cause cancer, ulsers etc...

Why would you inprison your body like this, you killing yourself and causing you pain.

So forgive and forget, this is my principle today for healthy living.
Forgive as many times as people hurt you.
Mr RenaldoB

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How to live the life of your dreams

Hi Everyone,

i know its been a long time that i posted anything on my precious blog but its been quite busy for me lately.
Been trying to achieve all my goals and get my head cleared out.
Its very important to clear your mind out, to get your thoughts in order. Once you get your thinking straight, then achieving your goals become much more clearer and possible.
Do whatever to get to that point, take a days leave, relax, have a picnic and just monitor your thoughts and work on the thoughts and emotions that are stopping you from achieving all that you can be.
Thats why excising and eating healthy is so important, this contributes to a clear mind, contributes to making informed decisions when having choices to make.
How to live the life of your dreams!!! In order to do this, you have to get there, is it not, DUH. Ofcourse you need to get there in order to live the life.
But to get there, you need to know what the life of your dreams would be, for most people this is the difficult part, they simply dont know what would fulfill them in life. And if you dont know what your purpose is, how are you going to get there?

First to get to live the life of your dreams, you firstly need to know what that would be. Then from then you can strategies weekly, monthly and yearly goals to route you to your dream, whatever it is. It will take time and consistent effort and unrelentless effort to achieve your Goals. You have to be consistent always, never give up. The life worth living is time well spent to get there, always remember this and you will succeed in everything you do, AND NO it wont be easy.

Your motivational and inspiring friend RenaldoB

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

How to get your motivation back

Hi everyone,

Thanks for being so patient with me, just been really busy as usual, lots of things to think about and do.

Today i want to address a topic that most of us including myself have a problem with. This is the lack of motivation to achieve your goals that you previously had. Its not that tough to understand. I can help you get that zeal, that motivation back in simple and easy steps to follow, all that it needs is just your time and consistent effort.

Why is it that we loose the motivation we once had for a goal of ours? its simple, remember that picture you had about yourself, seeing yourself at the end already, remember that picture? ok so you do! You lost your motivation cause that picture inside of yourself faded away, its not gone, dont get me wrong, its just that you stopped giving that picture attention. This could be of various reasons, maybe you dont have time anymore, lots of things kept you preoccupied, or the worst but not least is that you gave up on your dream, thinking that its not possible for you to achieve, if thats you, well thank goodness you reading this right now, cause this was meant for you!

Do you want your motivation back, do you? Easy start visualizing your goal again, start writing your goals out every night, spend time with the goal you once had, be INLOVE with you GOAL, keep thinking about it, its that simple. STOP, i said STOP with the negative thoughts, how can you regard yourself as a failure already when you did not even try. Maybe you did try and failed, well guess what, who said winners never fail in life, who said that. One thing i can guarantee you is that winners never quit, SO get up man, be a winner, keep on keeping on. Stop quiting on yourself, dont be a looser, if you want to be a winner, do what winners do and winners dont quit, so why quit. Ultimately you will achieve your Goal but do get there you must not quite, you can fall down but be sure to stand up, show the world who you are, show the world. You are great, and this is coming from your friend in need.

So start doing the above today, dont procrastinate, Start now!
Put in the effort, nothing worth achieving in life is easy, it takes hard work and the number one reason people out there are all average is cause they are the same people are not willing to sacrifice their time for there goals, never mind spending time on their goals, they dont even have goals and yet these are the same people that complain about their life's. Can you believe it, nothing falls on you lap. You have to go out there and achieve it for yourself. You have to work harder than most people, you have to put in the action. SO start now, start now!

This is from someone that is passionate about setting other people free.
Your passionate and great friend RenaldoB

Monday, October 5, 2009

Thoughts are Everything

Hi Everyone,
Today i am going to speak about a topic that is very important to me, as you realise as you continue to read more of my previous post. I recommend that you read them cause they have excellent life changing advice and you cannot afford to miss out. I dont deny that there is excellent source of information out there on the Internet but sometimes a person needs to just settle down and stay tuned to a single source to get the best of that source. As soon as you divert your attention to many things at once, you are bound to miss what a specific source is trying to tell you. With that said, lets get on to it!

Your thoughts are everything!
Do you get that saying, let me say it again. Your thoughts are everything, Dont you love it, i know i do. i love that phrase.
Let me explain it to you some more. i know that where ever you go on the Internet that promises to change your life, what is the one key that they focus on, and thats your thoughts, there are so many sites out there that say the same thing. So why must we move from website to website to hear the same thing over and over again? I guess us humans never listen the first time and majority of us never get it the first time. So this is it for the last time
Change your thoughts and you will change your life!

Understand this, your thoughts are everything, its who you are, its what is the cause of everything happening in your life right now, its all caused by your thoughts. Lets from today, start focusing on changing our thoughts and in turn will change the beliefs that held deep inside us, in our subconscious mind. If you want to stop smoking, just keep on thinking about stopping to smoke, and i promise you that your thoughts will manifest in to reality but with effort, there is need for action, your thoughts will drive you too action and its this action that will produce the results.
This is the story of my life, i am not where i want to be as yet but follow me and sooner or later you will see me to be there where my heart desires. And through this process of me changing my life in front of your eyes, this is where you will find the motivation to do the same.
We are all meant for this abundant life, me and you. We are all created equally, every single one of us, but we all have different purposes in life. Never forget that.

More on how to change your life daily in order to produce great results in the future.
I bring you this advice from deep down in my heart, cause i never want to see anyone suffer.
I want you to create the abundance that always been missing in your heart, i want to help you loose that weight.
Your Friend Renaldo Boss

Friday, October 2, 2009

How to get RID of limiting beliefs

How to get rid of limiting believes that you hold inside you.
Limiting believes are believing that you will never be rich, you will never be thin, its not possible for you to achieve anything in life.

If you know what is best for you its better for you to start now and do everything in your power to get rid of these beliefs. To do this you have to change the beliefs you currently have, you have to change them to be positive. You can achieve everything your heart desires. A saying goes, if you can imagine it, you can achieve it.
Dont let limiting believes influence your life. Changing limiting beliefs to positive and successful beliefs and that will help you live a more positive and successful life.
Dont let our current beliefs stop us from being all we want to be.. Its possible to have more of everything in our lifes. We can achieve it, all that anyone as done, we have the capability to achieve as well. Only difference between us is there believes of knowing that they can do it.

So what can you do??

You dont need to answer that cause i already know the answer. The answer my friends is you can do all things to those who believe.

You get it? i hope so, cause i just did.
Will post later some incredible information that is guaranteed to change your life.
Check back later!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

11 Universal laws

Hi Everyone,

While doing my daily research on how to be a better person and how to achieve your success, i came across a very interesting website, which i really think is terrific. What i am about to post please i beg of you too take it to heart, its really true and the end result of living your life based on what i am going to post now will dramatically change your life and you will live a fullfilled and joyous life.

The 11 Forgotten Universal Laws

1) We all know of the law of attraction, this is one of my favourite laws and i live my life daily on this principe, the law of attraction states in brief that what you think about with emotion will be attracted to you, its based on the believes you have in you. Feel the need to do more research about this if you need a better understanding of this.

2) The Law of Thinking.
This law emphazises the power of our thinking, everything that was ever invented eg your house you car, this is all of a result of someones thinking. How can you use this is your life, easy. Use your thoughts to form clear pictures of everything you want to achieve in life and keep thinking about it but always with a positive attitude. Eg i will achieve all my goals, i can do it. Remember always think positive friends. Always!!

3) Law of Supply.
This means that there is more than enough for everyone on this planet, there is no lack, there is only lack in your mind by your limiting believes and inturn due to law of attraction: YOU GET WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT. so really careful of your thoughts. Think abundance, Think prosperity! The RICH know there is more than enough for everyone, but they also take advantage of majority of peoples thoughts on lack so therefore they create more for themselves.

4) Law of Receiving.
This law of receiving, very interesting i would say, This law states that you will only get what you want when you are ready to receive. This is so powerfull, really it is. I will give you advice to make you ready to receive that what which you are wanting. Firstly the very thing that you want, want it more for others, dont be greedy, dont curse anyone else, dont wish anyone badluck, allow them to get what they want and want that for them. By doing this you are putting yourself in a position to receive it. Let what you want GO just release it into the universe and have faith that what you want will be attracted to you, dont ever force it, just wait for it and believe that you have received it.

5) Law of Increase
This law states that you can always get better, you dont have to reach a plateua, you can always get better. You can increase what you have now, you can! i know it.

6) Law of Compensation
This means that you will get out of life what you put in. In my previous blog i mentioned that to get what you want there is always be a price you will have to pay to get what you want. You have to put in effort, Action has to go with your faith that you will receive. The more effort and the greater price you pay to get what you want, you will receive. Cause of the law of compensation, you have to get out what you put in. You can never get rich just relaxing on your couch all day. You have to put in effort to study, start a business. Effort is what you need to put in.

7) Law of Non-Resistance
Never give your thoughts to what you dont want, cause as you thinking of what you do not want, you send out powerful negative emotion to the universe and this in turns means that you will attract the very thing you are resisting. Dont give thought to whatever you dont want to experience in your life.

8) Law of Forgiveness
This is one of the most important laws to me. Never hold grudges against anyone, even your relatives and friends. Always strive to live peacefully with everyone you know, be humble my dear friends. Forgive the things in your past that is holding you back, cause when you dont forgive, you cause yourself and your body tremdous stress and unease and you truly never get to live that fulfilled life you always want. Anger for someone always causes a heavy burden on your heart. Its not human and natural to live that way. Forgive and you will see how your life begins to light up ;-). Always forgive. I really love this, so passionate about it. If you are always looking back at your past, YOU TURNING YOUR BACK ON THE FUTURE. Never do this, Life is great.

9) Law of Sacrifice
This goes hand in hand with the law of compensation, you have to put in an effort to get what you want and inorder to do this you have to sacrifice something else, see what i mean. But change your mindset on this law think of it as giving of yourself inorder to receive that which you want. Is it not worth the effort. People life mediocre lifes cause they dont want to put in any effort to get what they want.

10) Law of Obedience
Be discipline in your life, being discipline will help you achieve your goals, to be honest, without discipline how can you get any where with your life. Studying everyday requires discipline, gyming and eating right everyday requires discipline.The more you discipline yourself the greater the reward at the end of the day.

11) Law of Success
Apply all the previous laws that i just mentioned then the law of success has to materialise for you, it has to, its LAW. YOu can be a success no matter where you are in your life. Be the best my friends, apply these principles to your life, i cant stress enough of how important these laws are. APPLY YOURSELF.

All these laws work together and are inharmony with each other. Its about living a more spiritual life, its about being peaceful and Joyous. The real success is happiness my friends, if all you take from my blog is to be happy then i have achieved all i ever wanted too.

Thanks for coming on this journey of success with me.
Until later on have a great DAY!!;-)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Everyday Motivation

Hi Everyone,
I see that there are more and more people viewing my blog, do you understand what a great achievment this is for me and for you. You can decide today that you can change your life forever and for the better whether it is loosing weight to being successful in life. i will help you achieve the best that you are capable of achieving.
View my life and my journey to be successful and have my goal body. very soon i will post photo's of myself to prove that i walk the talk and not just think of crazy stuff to say.
So comeback everyday for more exciting and innovating ideas and motivation so that we can be what we ought to be in life.

Thanks for all your support, i would love to help all i can on my road to ultimate happiness.
And dont be shy to comment on my blog and if there is something about your life that you dont like, please follow me on my road, cause all is welcome.

How fast can you loose FAT?

The question today for is, how fast can you loose fat. We are all different in many ways and one of those ways how, how fast can we loose the fat? I am going to explain and give you a general idea of the different Body types which is a determining factor on how we loose weight and gain muscle. This is based on a book i am reading and i give enormous credit to the author, he has had an impact on my life tremendously concerning health and fitness.

There are genetic factors effecting our fitness fat loss and muscle devleopment.

1) Our Base metabolic Rate --> This is the amount of calories you burn at rest, sitting at your desk, watching tv and so forth/ Some people have the ability to burn fat more calories at rest than others, so inorder for us to effectively loose weight, we need to know are BMR they call. Will post more on how to measure this later!

2) The Number of Fat Cells we have --> We all have different amount of fat cells, some people were born with more while others with less.

3) The number of muscle fibers we have --> The greater amount of muscle fibers we are born with the more potential we have in building our muscle size.

4) Muscle fiber type --> You get red or slow-twitched fiber which is used for endurance activities, white or fast-twitched fiber used for strength and power.

5) Our digestive capabilities --> This is the ability to absorb and use teh nutrients from our digestive tract, some of us absorb slower while others have greater potential.

6) Our Insulin response --> This is due to how sensitive we are to carbohydrates. when eating carbohydrates our blood sugar levels will rise and because of this we will produce large amounts of insulin which in turn will stop our body from releasing fat and will rather store the fat in order to save our lifes.

As you can see, there are plenty of factors that we have to overcome and fully understand to truly and effectively loose weight. If you think that eating a very low calorie diet will help you loose weight, think again, this might be dangerous for you and initially yes you will loose allot of weight but sooner or later you will hit a plateau and your body will stop burning fat in order to save you. So lets make informed decisions on what we put in out bodies. Applied knowledge is power my friends, So go ahead an make the right choice ;-) Loose that fat, i can, i did and i know you can too ;-)

Your Motivational Friend

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Who are we? Spiritual or Physical

What an interesting topic, who are we? do you know who you are?
I can tell you who you are, you are a great creation that can archieve anything you set your mind too, did i just say anything, YES i did, and i mean it, you can archieve the very best my friends, you can be the best, you can become the best.

One thing i can tell you is that you are not your body, your body is just being used as a transportation vehicle on this earth but my friends believe me when i say you are not your body. You are this amazing spiritual being having an amazing worldly experience, let me say this one more time, you are not your body, you are your thoughts, you are who you know you are, GET IT? What ever you believe you are, guess what that who you are!
If you believe that you are a poor person, i can tell you right now without even knowing you, chances are that you are poor. In order to archieve something be that something before it happens, thats why we are called human beings, we are not what we do or else human doings would have occured, but we are human beings, it means to be, so if you are poor, be rich and you will attract richness in your life, before you get anything, the secret is to be that of which you want, and that which you want will be attracted to you. Is it that easy, i say it is, but why as humans do we have a hard time with this, to be honest, i dont know, maybe we dont fully believe in this spiritual sense of us, cause all we see is the physical.
We cant see gravity but yet we know it exists. Law of attraction my friends exist. You get what you constantly think about, and thats the truth! Wealthy people dont think of lacking, no my friends they dont, all they think of is abundance, thats is why the RICH get RICHER and the POOR get POORER! You and i know this is true, i believe it, do you?

If you want to change you life, let me give you this one sure piece of advice, start by changing your thoughts, you are your thoughts, we are not what we do, but what we are. Are physical part of us may die but never our spiritual, never our thoughts,
Always be positive, always! You are great, believe me, you are great! You can be happy, you can be!
My life right no is on the verge of changing, everyday i get better, everyday and its not because of what i do, but because of who i know i am. I am great, just like you my friends. This does not for one second mean i am conceited in anyway. I am humble and calm my friends. I want the best for everyone, i dont believe that any one must suffer!
Be the best you can be, change who you are. i never said its going to be an easy journey, anything worth archieving cant be easy, it takes hard work constantly and dedication. You may fail but the secret is to get up again, GET UP, GET UP and make sure you become the best you can be!

I wish you success on your road to success, may your paths be filled with sunshine and brightness and remember its not so much about the destination but more about the road to get there!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

dont DIE with the fire still in you!!

Hi Everyone,
I am going to speak of a very interesting topic today, aint all my topics interesting ;-).
The Topic heading is, dont die with your fire still in you! have any idea what i mean, not, okay good!!
Basically the short of it is, dont die until you fulfill your purpose, and i mean it when i say dont die..
How many of us are living such average lifes?, how many of us are living our dream lifes?. I can promise that more people are living such average lifes, having a job that the basically hate but need it cause its what pays the bills, but among some of us there are those that are living the dreams, they are living there lifes to the fullest.
Why is it that most are not living there lifes on purpose? tell me why is it?
I can tell you, those that are rich worked hard for it, some were lucky and inherited wealth but most worked really hard, did things that average people dont do!
One of the ways to get you to the top is to do things differently to what average people do, you need to work harder, you need to gym alittle harder, you need to study more, you need to spend time thinking of ideas more, you get the picture.
In order to get rich, you cant just wake up, go to work, come home, eat and then watch tv and sleep and then repeat the same process over and over again, how can you gain wealth like this, HOW CAN YOU, its simple YOU CANT!!you cant be rich living daily like i just described you cant, unless you win the lotto, but whats your chances of that happening right!
So the sure way in becoming wealthy right now is to make this concious decision right now to change your lifestyle, change it right now, thats the only way. Believe and have faith that your money will come but you have to put in the action first, faith without action is dead, ever heard that before.

So make a change today to change you rest of your life, work hard, have vision for yourself, if you dont have a vision, then how do you know where you want to get in life, how, so create your vision today, see yourself being great, see yourself being the best you can be, see yourself owning a sucessfull company, see yourself i tell you.

life is meant to be lived, so make a decision right now to live yours.
Until later, cee ya later, your Motivational friend

Monday, September 21, 2009

Aim for the top

Hi everyone,

Today i am going to post another inspirational message which will get you heading to the top in whatever you choose and its very simple, it just involves a little or alot of hardwork and time ;-).

Are just like i used to be, thinking that you will never be good at anything, not worth archieving anything great in your life, you feel like you will always be at the bottom of the list. Well today is your lucky day, i am here to tell you that you deserve to be at the top, you are more than capable to be at the top, my friends you are already at the top, you just need to accept it and then act on it, thats it, its that simple.

You are more than capable of creating that overflowing abundance in your life, being the head of the pack, you can do it, i said that you can do it.

Lets examine the process in getting to the top:
Its very simple, all you have todo is do what everyone else is not willing to do, got it!!!
To get to the top all you have to do is work about 5% harder than what the rest of the team is doing, you might think that this is a little extra effort to get to the top, well it is, but if you do this consistently, that 5% will add up all the time, and i can promise you that your efforts will be acknowledged higher up.
Dont just be good at what you do and stay there, get better i tell you, put in considerable effort to always improve on what you know, dont be like everyone else and stop learning, continue and continue and you will get to your goal, dont even try to aim for second place in your life, go for the top, aim for the big guns, dont settle for anything less than first. You deserve to be the best, i believe that you CAN cause i CAN and guess what, i just did ;-)

Enjoy your life and what better way to enjoy it from the top

See ya at the top!!...

Friday, September 18, 2009

Be free, be the best You can BE

Hi All,

Today is another lovely day, do you's agree? if not then try missing 1 ;-).
Guys do you have any hobbies, do you know how to play an instrument, do you do anything for fun, if NO then why dont you? do you know how much fun you missing out on.
Playing a sport or enjoying your hobby is a great stress reliever, you cant afford not to enjoy something other than what you are used to now.
If you answered NO to my above question, i think its by time that you considered doing something about this, get yourself a piano and learn to be very good at it, and i can promise you that when times get tough, you will start playing that piano and idea's will just flow to you, you can get away from this troubled life and extend your being into the universe, let your mind transend. Dont just live in the here and now, cause then all that will be for you is what you already used too. Get out of the BOX you living in and throw it away, be a big thinker, work hard and play hard aswell.
I say that we live of lifes to the fullest, i mean thats why we are here, to live our lifes on purpose and not on accident, take control of your life, if there is one thing i have learnt, is that you are the only one that can take control of your life, no one else, and do it for the better.

This is all for now from your enjoy life friend Renaldo.
Until next time be safe and live that wonderful life of yours, DO IT, DO IT!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

How to eat healthy

I promised to post something of healthy eating and now i am just fulfilling my promises.
To eat healthy is as vital to breath in fresh air, and to drink fresh water. It should be a lifestyle in which we must adapt in order for us to be all that we can be, to be honest its between life and death.
Healthy food gives your body all of the vitamins and nutrients thats required by your body to sustain its organs, and eating junk food all the time does not provide all those vitamins. its junk food and overindulgence that makes us gain weight and stay that way.
To loose weight is quite simple, what makes it hard is our lack of will power and impatience.
Loose the weight and start today.
Ok........lets start.
Eating plan..

Try eat all bran flakes in the morning and if still hungry, a piece of fruit
Try and eat another piece of fruit 3hours later
at 12 try a friut salad.
at 3 have handful of unsalted peanuts
at supper have only steamed vegtables with a piece of steamed chicken or fish

Try that, if you something you want to share then dont be shy to comment on the blog

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How to loose weight permanently

So this is the big question thats on all overweight people minds.
To loose it and to keep it off is quite simple you know, the secret is in the way you eat, i know you propably thinking DUH!!, but then why do we still get it wrong, why? why do we try and find products outside of ourselves to loose weight when the problem actually exists internally.
People to loose weight, you need to eat right, you need to excersise right, for goodness sake, you have to get your MIND RIGHT!! thats the key, Your mind.

Your image that you hold in your minds eye, if that picture is an overweight YOU, guess whats going to manifest from that picture, YOU will manifest from that picture, i SAID YOU, got it!

First step in loosing all that weight is too get your mind right, spend about 5 - 10 minutes initially in the morning and in the evening creating a picture of yourself as you would like to be, feel the emotion of that thin you, i Said feel that emotion, does that not feel nice people. Do this everyday, its a process and a sacrifice of time that you going to have to make if you want to change yourself, its starts from inside, inside your mind, so get it right!
I know its a process that takes time, loosing that weight takes time and does not happen overnight, its takes months of dedication, persistance and a great deal of hard work and will power.
Anything that is the end result of hard work will be worth all the effort in the end. Every single sweat particle.

Eating healthy and taking care of your body plays a major role in living the best life that you can possibly have.

Dont listen to your negative thoughts, stop it right now, be positive, change that mind, change your thinking stream and only goodness shall follow you.
You can change your body right now, you can, you can. You know how i know that you can, cause i did.

Will post later on healthy eating.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How much must you pay to Archieve your GOALS

I read a very inpirational blog today from my inspirator, it was about the price you have to pay to reach your goals, he said the higher the price the bigger the reward and i can tell you that this is so true.

If you ever want to archieve something in your life, there is going to have to be a price to pay, the higher the price, the greater your reward will be!

To archieve your Goal, you have to have discipline, you are going to have to do things differently to what you are doing now to archieve your Goals.
Everyday for lunch i have like a fruit salad you can say, and there is this work collegues of mine and i can promise you not a day goes by withouth them having to comment about what i am eating, the eat things like burgers and chips and then they still go buy more, and then they still have the ordicity to question what i am putting in my body.
I can promise you now that i have the best looking body amongst them, they are all overweight, have big stomachs and yet the comment about me, sometimes i dont understand people. But i guess thats just one of the prices i have to pay in order to archieve my dream body. When you try and reach your goals, there are always going to be people that are going to be negative towards you, always going to say things that will try and bring you down to their level, majority of people dont like seeing people they know get somewhere in life. So dont listen to them, keep on doing what you doing, them saying terrible things to you should only motivate you to get better, listen to your heart, go for the gold baby, get to the top and dont you dare stop.
Thats my principle and its working, iknow it is. People are just jealous but dont you listen to them, you do what needs to be done.
Give life all you got and you will recieve all that life has to offer.
Thats me for now, cee ya!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Be happy you are who you are

Just had a conversation with some work collegues at lunch now, a conversation came up about ppl they know who are badly burnt or disabled in some way or the other.
This got me thinking, we need to appreciate what we have, we need to thank God for what we are, that we have a normal body, we need to give thanks, its a blessing. Do you think those that are disabled in some way deserved that, i say not, they did not, but yet they are who they are. For us that are normal, we have to give thanks, its the best blessing we could have ever recieved.
Dont ever fail to see that you are a blessing and that you deserve the best that life has to offer, but you have to create it for yourself, everything you want already exist, you just need to access it, and i tell you now that you deserve everything good that you want, you deserve it friends.

So got out in life appreciating who you are, cause giving thanks and being appreciative is the highest vibrational energy out there. Give thanks and more will be given to you! i know this to be true.
Just think of this, some of us might have bosses that we work hard for but nothing is ever appreciated by them, does this not demotivate you. Just of scenorio, think of a boss that was constantly giving you praise for all your hard work, would you not work harder, would you not do more, i tell you, you would, just because of the praise you got.
So to end with this, be appreciative and someone or something out there will give more ;-)

Good day friends

Are you Ready?

Hi Everyone,

Today i want to say thank you for everything that has ever happened in my life, it has made me what i am today and i have no regrets of who i am. i know that i am one of the most unique people in this planet just like the rest of us ;-).
Today i want to Ask you this question.

Are you Ready?
Are you ready to make your life great?
Are you ready to loose the weight you were trying to loose for years?
Are you ready to start your own business?
Are you ready to make more money?
Are you ready to live your life on purpose? Are you, Are you?

Guess what people, we only have one life to live, yes you guessed it, only 1 LIFE.
We only have 1 chance to live it right.
I know you are thinking that, you gone so far in your life and its to late to turn it around and its hopeless.
I tell you now, you can, you can, you can CAN CAN CAN CAN.
You can do something to change your life right now, you just have to make the conscious decision right now to change your life, stop living your life in regrets and in the past, the past is over and all that you have is the present and the future. So i tell you to change your life starting from today, start by changing your thoughts, your thoughts are everything, its what you are today, your past thoughts created what you are today. If you are living a succesful life then guess what, it was your thoughts about yourself, if you living in poverty, it was your thoughts that created it.
So start living right by changing your thoughts. Ppl live your life to the fullest, i know i am doing my best to get there, and i wont give up, i WONT stop until i am who i want to be, and thats the best i can be.

Here is a process in which you can follow to make a great impact in your life right now: Do this in your alone time!!

Start from today and examine your life right now, what are you not happy with?
What would you like to change in your life right now?
Believe it or not, eating healthy is a big contributing factor in living your life to the fullest,i say believe it, cause i do, so i know.
Recoginize your thoughts right now that are causing depression in you, recoginize those thoughts of poverty, recoginize those thoughts of unhappiness, Recognise it!!
Change those thoughts around, instead of I CANT, Say I CAN, cause i tell you right now that YOU CAN, and i dont even know you but i know that YOU CAN!!
Think positive people, dont think negative, dont, it causes unhappiness, there is lots of things to be greatful about, i mean look at you, look how handsome, sexy you look, that something to appreciate, the very fact that you breathing is something to be greatful about, take the time to smell the fresh air outside, its a blessing my friends, its an amazing blessing. Be Appreciative and you will appreciate in value my friends.
To change your life is to change what you do daily, remember that.

Einstein once said that: "The definition for stupidity is doing the same thing all the time and expecting different results".

Make yourself proud and make that change, make that change for greatness and fullfilment in life, make the change i say.

We only have 1 life to live, so live that 1 life to the fullest.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Changes Start from Today

Hi, its my third day blogging and i can tell you that i am getting used to this, i love it.
Yesterday was feeling alittle depressed but i broke out of that depression, i am free now lol.
Today i want to discuss with you how you can make changes in your life starting today, not tommorrow but today.
See not long ago, i was kinda fat, i had alot of belly fat, and i can promise you that i tried for a year to loose the weight permanently, but just never could, once i lost it but then not to long after that i picked it up again and even more. I could never seem to loose the weight forever. But i can be proud to tell you today that 3-4months ago, i am far lighter than what i was that time ago, i glad about the way i look, still not where i want to be but definately better than what i used to be.
I gym almost everyday, but i am lazy just like everyone, but i dont find that as an excuse to not get up and do something about what i want to archieve,, i see my six pack starting to show, but just a glimpse but i am proud of that because i know where i came from, being overweight and unhealthy.

One day i just decided to change my life around. i decided to get my mind right, yes my mind right. i know you are probably thinking what does the mind have to do with weight but i can positively tell you today, that your mind has everything todo with your weight, your life right now, everything in your experience right now is involved with whats inside your mind. If you want to loose with for good, change the way you see yourself, instead of seeing this fat person, see this beautiful, thin person. If you desperately want to loose the weight then change your mental image about yourself, change it and what better day to start than today. It might be a long process to get where you want to be, but i promise you it will definately get you there and you will be better than what you used to be.

That it for today, tomorrow will be more about the mind.
Your mind is everything, and it can get you where you want to be!!!!!!
i am not where i want to be but i know i will there.
All in the mind baby!!!!!!!!!!!!111

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

More of depression

I like what i just saw now when i posted my last blog comment, that was really cool, google placed an AD of my blog of depression, thinking thats what i am, which i am not, it might seem like it now but if you stay intuned you will see that i will help so much people and in every aspect of there lifes. Watch this space!!!!

Well one of the reasons i am depressed but starting to feel much better during these post, is me and the love of my life had a fight, You would not believe what it was about, it was about me waiting 3min for her, and i got kinda upset for that cause i hate waiting, (anyone feel me?). This caused us to fight and it lasted a whole day, once the depression hits you, it really takes hard work and time to get out of the depression, thats what i said in my last blog, depression inprisons you, and once you in it, it really takes hard work and determination to set your self free. I mean who can feel happy when deep down they are really depressed, who can? if you can then help all the other depressed ppl out there!!! just comment on this blog.

Well anyway, i hope she will read this, and i just want to say sorry, i know its my fault for making us feel like this but the truth is that i love you so very much and you should know that, i never want to loose you but when i am in this moods, please atleast try to find out what you can do or try to understand that it takes time for me especially to feel better after being so sad, so please have the patience with me, i know you can understand!

Well anyway, i need to get back to work now, but i will try to blog something later one, there is always things on my mind that i need to express and let out, so until then, see ya'l

My Life and Me!!


This is the second day of blogging, and i am started to get used to the idea of having a blog and expressing my emotions and let my mind run wild, i have wonderful idea of what this blog can become and at the end of the day, i want to see it help people, people just like me.

Yesterday afternoon and this morning has been an emotional rollercoster for me, more of a depression mode than anything else. I cant be depressed, its just not me atleast not the new me, i want to be positive, i should be positive all the time. but i know from experience that this is a really difficult to accomplish, it takes constant improvement and watching your thoughts constantly, it takes practice, and practice, Remember that practice makes perfect but more than that you should have a passion for what you want to perfect, there should be reasoning for doing something, or wanting something. Well anyway enough of the motivation for today!

I still need to get out of this negative state that i am in. I have come to realise being depressed and negative is not normal, its a prison that we need to break out of, its a evil barrier, its was never meant for us to be depressed, never. We need to break out of it. I am using this blog as a meduim in which i will express my thoughts hoping that the negative, the depression will be gone from me, talking about something always helps and seeing that when i am with someone thats close to me, i cant express my feelings cause when i am with that person, i just cant figure out what makes me depressed but i know i am!

More about me: I am really a nice guy to be around, to be honest i see myself as being one of a kind, i am loving, i am unique but sometimes i hurt the people around me cause i am so busy in my own world, with my own thoughts. but my downfall is rushing things to happen. I want to be wealthy and my minds constantly thinking of idea's and most of them are of no value and its causing me to be negative, i guess i should not be so hard on myself causings its effecting people around me. i know this blog is getting alittle bit long but i just cant seem to express my feelings in minimal words, something i am going to get better at, reason for this blog;-)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day Blogging

Hi, or seeing that this is the first day blogging, Hi To Self.

First day of blogging, i have great idea's that i want to express, i want to release my inner being and i have a great feeling that blogging is going to help me do exactly that.
I will release my thoughts and feelings into the universe, i will set my emotional being free from captivity from myself, and i want the world to see how i go from strength to strength, from weakness to strength, from negativity to positivity, from being normal to being extraordinary. From being what i am now to being what i want to be!
