Monday, September 14, 2009

Are you Ready?

Hi Everyone,

Today i want to say thank you for everything that has ever happened in my life, it has made me what i am today and i have no regrets of who i am. i know that i am one of the most unique people in this planet just like the rest of us ;-).
Today i want to Ask you this question.

Are you Ready?
Are you ready to make your life great?
Are you ready to loose the weight you were trying to loose for years?
Are you ready to start your own business?
Are you ready to make more money?
Are you ready to live your life on purpose? Are you, Are you?

Guess what people, we only have one life to live, yes you guessed it, only 1 LIFE.
We only have 1 chance to live it right.
I know you are thinking that, you gone so far in your life and its to late to turn it around and its hopeless.
I tell you now, you can, you can, you can CAN CAN CAN CAN.
You can do something to change your life right now, you just have to make the conscious decision right now to change your life, stop living your life in regrets and in the past, the past is over and all that you have is the present and the future. So i tell you to change your life starting from today, start by changing your thoughts, your thoughts are everything, its what you are today, your past thoughts created what you are today. If you are living a succesful life then guess what, it was your thoughts about yourself, if you living in poverty, it was your thoughts that created it.
So start living right by changing your thoughts. Ppl live your life to the fullest, i know i am doing my best to get there, and i wont give up, i WONT stop until i am who i want to be, and thats the best i can be.

Here is a process in which you can follow to make a great impact in your life right now: Do this in your alone time!!

Start from today and examine your life right now, what are you not happy with?
What would you like to change in your life right now?
Believe it or not, eating healthy is a big contributing factor in living your life to the fullest,i say believe it, cause i do, so i know.
Recoginize your thoughts right now that are causing depression in you, recoginize those thoughts of poverty, recoginize those thoughts of unhappiness, Recognise it!!
Change those thoughts around, instead of I CANT, Say I CAN, cause i tell you right now that YOU CAN, and i dont even know you but i know that YOU CAN!!
Think positive people, dont think negative, dont, it causes unhappiness, there is lots of things to be greatful about, i mean look at you, look how handsome, sexy you look, that something to appreciate, the very fact that you breathing is something to be greatful about, take the time to smell the fresh air outside, its a blessing my friends, its an amazing blessing. Be Appreciative and you will appreciate in value my friends.
To change your life is to change what you do daily, remember that.

Einstein once said that: "The definition for stupidity is doing the same thing all the time and expecting different results".

Make yourself proud and make that change, make that change for greatness and fullfilment in life, make the change i say.

We only have 1 life to live, so live that 1 life to the fullest.

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